Body Treatments

Helping you feel your absolute best.

Body Treatments

CUPPING MASSAGE (available at our downtown Boise spa)

20 / 60 / 90 Minutes - $60 / $125 / 150

Discover the healing power of a cupping massage, our therapists are certified and trained through the International cupping association. Cupping massage is a practice that involves placing specially designed cups on your skin to create a vacuum effect. This gentle suction helps to stimulate blood flow, releasing muscle tension and promoting faster recovery. It’s like a deep tissue massage with the benefits lasting longer.

Tip: Great treatment for improved athletic performance and release of IT band, as well as, improved mobility.

ORTHOPEDIC CUPPING (available at our Downtown Boise spa)

60 Minutes- $150

Get relief from chronic joint pain! This isn’t your typical “massage”. You’ll walk away with relief from any nagging shoulder injury, sore knee, thigh hips, and even sciatica and lower back pain. Orthopedic cupping helps to open up your joints, creating space in which the nerves can begin to heal. This treatment helps break up scar tissue, and will return your range of motion. Our therapist is certified with the International cupping association in this advanced cupping technique.

FULL BODY GUA SHA MASSAGE (available at our Downtown Boise spa)

50 minutes - $175

If you’re not familiar with Gua Sha, this traditional Chinese therapy involves scraping the skin to promote healing and well-being, when applied to the body the benefits are truly remarkable. Our trained and certified therapist uses Gua Sha tools to enhance circulation and blood flow, release muscle tension and tightness, improve lymphatic drainage aiding in the removal of toxins and waste products form the body to boost your immune system and give you a boost of energy and vitality. Not only will your body be calm and relaxed, your complexion will be glowing!


30 minutes - $60

Biomagnetic back cupping can provide effective relief from back pain, including muscle tightness, stiffness, and discomfort. The combination of cupping and magnets helps to improve circulation, balance the body, reduce inflammation and improve range of motion.

Note: You can add the back cupping treatment on to any service.


20-30 minutes - $55

Cellulite cupping is a non-invasive technique to reduce the appearance of cellulite and promote smoother skin. We use stagnant glass biomagnetic cups and silicone gliding cups on the affected areas, typically the thighs, calves and buttocks. Bonus: This treatment also helps to release tight IT bands and improves mobility as it loosens connective tissue.

Cellulite cupping package: Purchase 12 cellulite cupping sessions to be used once per week for best results and get a free Epicuren espresso lémon slimming body oil ($80 value) for free. We recommend dry brushing between appointments to stimulate the lymphatic system. $660 ($740 value).

A few extras!


60 minutes - $100

The back facial helps address concerns such as acne, dryness, uneven skin tone and congestion. The back facial includes a deep cleanse, exfoliation, extractions and a warm basalt back massage.

THE PAMPERED FOOT (Feet and calve massage only)

30 minutes - $45

Our feet and calves bear the weight of our bodies and can become tense and fatigued. The gentle touch and soothing movements of a foot massage can help improve circulation, calm the nervous system, reduce stress hormones and induce a state of deep relaxation. It’s the perfect way to unwind after a long day.


75 minutes - $175

This Epicuren skin therapy begins with an invigorating exfoliation using dry brushes to stimulate the lymphatic system and remove dry dead surface skin. The body is drenched with warm nourishing body oil and topped with Epicuren relief arnica cream for a cooling conclusion to hydrate and nourish the skin. This body wrap comes with an Epicuren hydrating facial and scalp massage.

Indulge in pure bliss body treatment. It’s like a warm hug for your body and soul.

Next time you think of beautiful things, don’t forget to count yourself in.
— Anonymous